Ah, the joys of boondocking! For full-time and
part-time RVers, this free camping (sometimes called dry camping) option can be
an adventure or a hassle, depending on how prepared you are before heading out
into the wilds for any length of time. To make it a bit easier, we have a few
tips for anyone getting ready to try RV camping without hook-ups:
- Invest each year in an updated guide to boondocking locations.
These will give you current information on boondocking locations, costs (if
there are any), and the rules at each location.
- Take advantage of the natural surroundings when you park. In hot
climates, be sure you park your RV with the side with the most windows facing
the shady side. In cold climates, park with windows facing the sunlight to take
advantage of the warmth of the sun. If you’re boondocking in a hot climate,
keep the window shades or blinds drawn to keep the interior or your RV cooler.
- Prepare food items for meals before you head into the boonies.
While still at a campground with hook-ups and water, wash your fruits and
veggies and prepackage ingredients for meals in zip-lock bags. You can freeze
some items or simply make up no-cook meals like salads and have them ready to
- Cook out. A barbecue over an open fire or a hibachi means you
won’t need a generator and you’ll be outdoors, which is one of the beautiful
benefits of boondocking.
- Be a bit less finicky about showers. Try keeping them to
every-other-day and make them quick and efficient. If you put a bucket in the
shower, it will catch some of the water you’re using, and you can use it to
flush the toilet, saving gray water usage.
- You can save a surprising amount of water if you eat off paper
plates and wash your hands with hand sanitizer or baby wipes.
- Avoid using electricity when your generator isn’t on (and
minimize using your generator unless you absolutely have to use it).
- When boondocking, the potential for prowling animals is always
there. Don’t leave trash or food outside. Anything that could attract a wild
animal should be securely closed and kept inside your RV or in a storage
- Consider investing in solar panels that you can use instead of
your generator. They are relatively easy to set up and you can align them in
any direction in order to take full advantage of the sun.
- If you’ll be boondocking frequently, swap out your incandescent
lights for LEDs, which use about 1/5 the power, giving you much longer battery
- For cool nights, a portable propane heater will use less energy
than your camper’s system.
- Invest
in low-flow faucets and shower heads, which can help you conserve up to 50% of
your water usage on showering, washing and cooking.
- Invest in a cell system booster if you’ll need phone or internet
- Be aware of the proper etiquette when boondocking. If another RV
is in the area, don’t park next to them. They are there to get away from it
all, including you.
- Do NOT use your generator at hours that will bother others. They
may not want to rise at dawn, and they may be sleeping at 10:00 at night. If
any other campers are using solar panels, it may be because they don’t want to
hear generators, so stay clear.
- When using your laptop, let it run on its own battery power,
then charge the battery when you aren’t using it. This uses far fewer amp-hours
of power.
- If you’re addicted to coffee, invest in a French Press. You’ll
have to boil the water, but it uses much less energy than a coffee maker.
- Carry extra water in jugs so that you can refill your fresh
water tank easily. For two people, figure on needing about 8 gallons a day
(this is being conservative but not extreme in conserving water)
- Take bottled water for drinking so you can save your fresh water
tank and the extra jugs for bathing and cooking.
- Be prepared for all emergencies. You may be out of cell phone
range, so make sure you have a good first aid kit with splints, pain
medications, etc. You should also have roadside flares, spare tires, and other
driving emergency tools. Bring along a water purifier, a shovel and any other
items you could need in an emergency until you can contact someone or find a
park ranger.
As you become more experienced at boondocking,
you’ll no doubt discover your own ways to improve the dry camping experience.
You can also learn a lot by talking to others with boondocking experience.
Keeping an open mind and being willing to stretch your definition of comfort
are two of the best ways to experience the joys of boondocking.
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